Saturday, January 08, 2005

First time's a charm

Hey Everyone,

Well I'm not sure who is going to be reading this yet, but I've moved away from creating my own website (I know, strange for a computer science major) to using this editor to compile my thoughts. It may be strange to many of you that I actually have thoughts, but occasionally I even surprise myself.

But on to the dribble:

I've found myself wondering what there is to do anymore. It is odd to be 24, and thinking I've been through everything in life. It is obvious I haven't, but when your line of sight is limited to the current week, it seems as if you've done it all before.

Wow, isn't that uplifting? :).

It's funny, because I believe in God, and that Jesus is our savior, but there are definitely times where I can understand a futilist's point of view or anyone's who finds it hard to see a point in life.

I'm thinking there needs to be a daily or weekly thing for this blog, and I'm soliciting anyone who might read this to let me know what "my thing" could be, that could be featured here on a periodic basis. If I don't get a response I'll come up with one myself, but I've always been a big fan of at least feigning democracy before making the decision I think is correct :), guess that's why I voted for Bush.

Signing off.

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