Monday, November 03, 2008

Sunday School

Since when did going to Sunday School become an endorsement of the Republican party only? I love going to church, and I really enjoy the people I've come into contact with through my Sunday School, but man do they over-politicize this political season. I am definitely in the pro-life camp, but it's as if that stance is the only one that matters in the coming election, and is the only one that has the ethics of God in mind.

I even have fellow Christians telling me that the 'socialistic' ways of Obama wanting to give money from the rich to the poor is ungodly.

I think we pick too few social issues to determine our candidate, and are willfully choosing to remain ignorant by trying to label one candidate or another as more in line with our beliefs, basically forcing square pegs into round holes.

I am no longer calling myself a republican nor a democrat. I am definitely a Christian, but loving all of God's children I can vote for whomever will do the best for them as a whole.

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