Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I waited all semester to get something useful out of my management class, and I believe that has finally happened. It may not pertain too much to management, but does have a lot to do with crafting a life that we'd all like to retire having lived. That is, one being happy.

Now this video does not have a lot to do with Christian values, and speaks a bit on evolution (even though I'm not a believer in it, it does help set up the video). However, the video does help give a perspective on pursuing happiness that I think everyone can benefit from.

Don't begin watching this unless you have about 20 minutes to dedicate, because it is about that long, but it's well worth it if you have the time. After you've seen it, please comment on what you thought about it.

Here it is video link. It's also in the title, peace out :).


WICK said...

I think there's something to what he's saying. Just not sure if he's saying that something right.

Monogenes said...

It was my thought that he made several good points throughout the video, and finished with a strong one about not straying too far outside ethical means to achieve happiness. I'm not commenting on this too hard yet because I want other people to watch it.