Reading an article the other day, I ran across a reference to an alternate explanation to intelligent design creationist theory. I am sure some of you have heard of it before, but it is very simple, having to do with a deity named the Flying Spaghetti Monster, who created all via his Noodly Appendage.
Seriously folks, this is great stuff, and props to the man who made this crap up. But rest assured, that's what it is, crap. In case you're keeping track, I still believe God made the earth, and the account in Genesis is the explanation of that event happening.
However, I am comfortable with some sacrilege, provided it is utterly ridiculous, as this is. If you desire to learn more about this irreverent nonsense, do so at your own risk, but here's the link ;).
Pastafarianism (The church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster)
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
New Charitable Business Idea - Not Communism
While seeking my MBA from a reputable business school Saint Louis University I am constantly trying to think of new business opportunities that fall in line with my beliefs (Christianity). This idea came to me on my drive home from class the other day.
I'll have to confess, it also came as part of renegotiating my family's monthly utility bills (cable and internet), which I do every once in awhile to make sure I'm getting as good a product as possible while paying the cheapest price.
Why can't a business be based around giving profits away? I know capitalism has a firm hold on America, but I can't help but think it might not be the only way. Churches seem to be a great example of this, providing a service (literally) to parishioners for a market-determined price (to keep their doors open people give a tithe, determined by that person's ability/guilt). Another example of what I'm talking about includes discounted/used clothing places such as Goodwill or Salvation Army stores.
However, most of these outfits operate on a model which requires them to be dependent upon goodwill or charity of those in a position to do so. I'm proposing that a business exists to both serve the purposes of creating a market share and gaining customers, as WELL as giving back all profits in the form of charitable donations or hand-outs to the poor.
Such a business would pay everyone working for it a reasonable amount (no golden parachutes for CEOs, no grandiose pay deals either, and no extraordinary R&D profit sharing). Engineers coming up with new ideas would get paid what engineers at their skill level were expected to get paid, as would CEOs and everyone else. This would still permit a reasonable amount of innovation to keep the company running, as well as keep profits flowing to people in need.
Being experienced with Linux and other forms of free software, I have to assume with the knowledge base in the world these days, innovation would almost be guaranteed to happen, even in a free/cheap form.
Instead of financing a business with an IPO or something similar, the business would either start out as a hobby, or else as debt, being financed by a bank. So there would be someone making money off the business created (the bank charging interest), however it would be ordinary and expected, instead of all profits going right to the pockets of greedy shareholders.
I think a business of this form would experience tremendous competitive advantages, including customer goodwill, employee goodwill, public goodwill, as well as cost savings for not overpaying for things done as expected.
I'm still trying to formulate other problems with this system, but I think it sounds alright.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Give me a Theme macky
I am looking to develop a personal slogan that I feel best embodies the virtues I put forth as a human being. Please help me in this endeavor by replying with a personal slogan or jingle that you think best suits me, and I will try to endorse it (after it meets my rigorous quality testing).
Who determines what people say about us when we're dead? We do! To some I may be cheap, to others not kind, to others I may be a wunderkind (able to do anything ;) ), and to few I may be a philanthropist (hehe).
In any case, I'm not sure I like what I'll be pegged as if life were to stop at this moment for me, and that's sad. While I'd like to change it, and have people think of me as a caring, selfless, thoughtful man of faith, it may not be easy.
We are partly born into roles, partly creating our roles, but otherwise very hard to sway as we mature. People say "oh he's very ____", or "that's not like him", but do they really know? People know what they see, and by doing that discount a person to exhibited acts. We give God tons of credit, mostly because of the actual, cold-hard facts from evidence of events which took place. However, we also give him an edge or nod of goodwill personality, believing that we know him well enough to afford our opinion of him a little added extra charm. (note: to say that God has charm may in fact be belittling him, but that is not my intent)
All I'm saying is that in order to die knowing that my life events are in order, I need to bring those around me as close as possible. They need to know how I actually think, instead of taking my comments and actions at face value. I know this may be hard, because sometimes that is all they get, but then they should deem themselves unqualified, and seek a closer authority (or closer relationship with me). I want to be close with people, and am with few (this should change too). I want to improve what people think of me, especially if this requires positive change.
Anyways, this is what I want to strive for, being a better person. That doesn't mean that I believe I'm a bad person, it means that I need to do a better job of advocating the goodness that is a part of me. This may require improved communication skills, so I will seek those, but I will also try not to obfuscate my internal messaging with unfortunate timing of inappropriate humor, and try to make sure I let more of my good thoughts come to outward actions.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Evolution Question
Here's something that may be a good topic for a book against evolution. While I was sitting at the pool in Mexico, I found myself fascinated by the palm trees. Granted, I'd like to see palm trees every day of my life, as that probably indicates to me that I'm in a place that is pleasant, but that can't be the case all the time.
The palm trees stood out to me, because they were very tall. In fact, when we walked out on our 4th floor balcony, the tops of the trees were there. It made me think about how weeds compete with our other plants for attention from the sun. Plants grow taller and taller, trying to get as much exposure as possible to turn that desired sunlight into glucose via photosynthesis. However, algae which are very small in comparison derive their energy in the same way.
Why are things on earth as big as they are? We've all seen the "Honey, I shrunk the kids" movies, know that spiders have 8 eyes, and flies see things hundreds of times over. It has me wondering what the need for things as large as humans or other large species is. There are plenty of examples of creatures in the animal kingdom where the size of the brain is definitely not relative to the size of the species.
Does this not point as some proof positive that we are definitely created by a creator having purpose? Why are their feet and meters and seconds and degrees?
It may be true that humans are getting taller, but this is mainly due to childhood nutritional quality improving over the past 150 years, and not attributable to evolution. In any case, things can be explained in a multitude of ways, however the why questions are usually the toughest. My go to answer is that we were fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of a creator that knows what is best for us.
P.S. Back from vacation. Yea US!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
How long is a week?
Is every question relative these days? This week I have 2 midterms, and the forethought that Saturday is the beginning of a week-long vacation I have for my family and friends in Cabo San Lucas.
This is compounded by the fact that at work there is a considerable lull in activity compared to 2 weeks ago when I worked 40 hours in 2.5 days in Virginia. Now it seems like there is barely anything to do. So I sit here at my computer each day waiting to do a few things, but it can't really compare to that level of activity.
You can also look ahead to the middle of next week, when we'll be having fun in the sun with each other and a tropical drink, reading books, playing in the water, and enjoying the free time we've been afforded since awarding ourselves with it. At that point it will probably seem like a week is an instant, knowing that when we get back to the majority of our life back home, the relative time will be slower.
I know time is measurable, but the measuring tape can vary.
In reality, I love all of the time I am given, as each moment is a blessing from God. Our lives are fleeting, and we should never wish any of the moments of them away.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Health Insurance
This is going to be a weird post. My health insurance provided to me by my employer changed to a much worse option today, starting next year. I think the 'consumer-driven' healthcare insurance is a bad deal, because now I'm forced to actually look and compare each aspect of the different plans, and each year re-evaluate my situation.
Thank goodness my wife works as well, so we can compare 2 PLANS! jeesh. I need a week just to read over everything, as it is all pretty complicated.
Just a rant. Go Lions!